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Sustainability reporting

made easy

Are you ready for CSRD? Take the CSRD Readiness Assessment test to find out

An overview of the CSRD components

Introduction to EU standardized ESG reporting

General Disclosures


General Requirements



  • S1: Own Workforce

  • S2: Workers in the Value Chain

  • S3: Affected Communities

  • S4: Consumers and End-Users


  • E1: Climate Change

  • E2: Pollution

  • E3: Water and Marine Resources

  • E4: Biodiversity and Ecosystems

  • E5: Resource Use and Circular Economy


  • G1: Business Conduct

Which companies are impacted by CSRD?

Consilium Digital's CSRD Overview
Consilium Digital's CSRD Overview

CSRD eligibility criteria for large non-listed firms:

*Firms have to meet 2/3 of the following criteria to be considered CSRD eligible







The full ESRS reporting criteria

Which companies are impacted by CSRD?

Consilium Digital's CSRD Overview

CSRD eligibility criteria for large non-listed firms:

*Firms have to meet 2/3 of the following criteria to be considered CSRD eligible







  • ESRS E1: Climate Change

    E1-1: Transition plan for climate change mitigation

    E1-2: Policies related to climate change mitigation and adaption

    E1-3: Actions and resources in relation to climate change policies

    E1-4: Targets related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

    E1-5: Energy consumption and mix

    E1-6: Gross Scopes 1, 2, 3 and Total GHG emissions

    E1-7: GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects financed through carbon credits

    E1-8: Internal carbon pricing

    E1-9: Anticipated financial effects from material physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities

    ESRS E2: Pollution

    E2-1: Policies related to pollution

    E2-2: Actions and resources related to pollution

    E2-3: Targets related to pollution

    E2-4: Pollution of air, water and soil

    E2-5: Substances of concern and substances of very high concern

    E2-6: Anticipated financial effects from pollution-related impacts, risks and opportunities

    ESRS E3: Water and Marine Resources

    E3-1: Policies related to water and marine resources

    E3-2: Actions and resources related to water and marine resources

    E3-3: Targets related to water and marine resources

    E3-4: Water consumption

    E3-5: Anticipated financial effects from water and marine resources-related impacts, risks and opportunities

    ESRS E4: Biodiversity and Ecosystems

    E4-1:Transition plan and consideration of biodiversity and ecosystems in strategy and business model

    E4-2: Policies related to biodiversity and ecosystems

    E4-3: Actions and resources related to biodiversity and ecosystems

    E4-4: Targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems

    E4-5: Impact metrics related to biodiversity and ecosystems change

    E4-6: Anticipated financial effects from biodiversity and ecosystem-related risks and opportunities


    ESRS 5: Climate Change

    E5-1:Policies related to resource use and circular economy

    E5-2: Actions and resources related to resource use and circular economy

    E5-3: Targets related to resource use and circular economy

    E5-4: Resource inflows

    E5-5: Resource outflows

    E5-6: Anticipated financial effects from resource use and circular economy-related impacts, risks and opportunities

  • ESRS S1: Own Workforce

    S1-1: Policies related to own workforce

    S1-2: Processes for engaging with own workers and workers’ representatives about impacts

    S1-3: Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workers to raise concerns

    S1-4: Taking action on material impacts on own workforce, and approaches to mitigating material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to own workforce, and effectiveness of those actions

    S1-5: Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

    S1-6: Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees

    S1-7: Characteristics of non-employee workers in the undertaking’s own workforce

    S1-8:Collective bargaining coverage and social dialogue

    S1-9: Diversity metrics

    S1-10: Adequate wages

    S1-11: Social protection

    S1-12: Persons with disabilities

    S1-13: Training and skills development metrics

    S1-14: Health and safety metrics

    S1-15: Work-life balance metrics

    S1-16: Compensation metrics (pay gap and total compensation)

    S1-17: Incidents, complaints and severe human rights impacts

    ESRS S2: Workers in the Value Chain

    S2-1: Policies related to value chain workers

    S2-2: Processes for engaging with value chain workers about impacts

    S2-3: Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for value chain workers to raise concerns

    S2-4: Taking action on material impacts on value chain workers, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to value chain workers, and effectiveness of those action

    S2-5: Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities


    ESRS S3: Affected Communities

    S3-1 Policies related to affected communities

    S3-2 Processes for engaging with affected communities about impacts

    S3-3 Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for affected communities to raise concerns

    S3-4 Taking action on material impacts on affected communities, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to affected communities, and effectiveness of those actions

    S3-5 Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

    ESRS S4: Consumers and End-Users

    S4-1 Policies related to consumers and end-users

    S4-2 Processes for engaging with consumers and end-users about impacts

    S4-3 Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for consumers and end-users to raise concerns

    S4-4 Taking action on material impacts on consumers and end-users, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to consumers and end-users, and effectiveness of those actions

    S4-5 Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positiveimpacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

  • ESRS G1: Business Conduct

    G1-1 Corporate culture and business conduct policies and corporate culture

    G1-2 Management of relationships with suppliers

    G1-3 Prevention and detection of corruption and bribery

    G1-4 Confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery

    G1-5 Political influence and lobbying activities

    G1-6 Payment practices

An overview of the CSRD components

Introduction to EU standardized ESG reporting

Consilium Digital's CSRD Overview
Consilium Digital's CSRD Overview

Which companies are impacted by CSRD?

Consilium Digital's CSRD Overview

CSRD eligibility criteria for large non-listed firms:

*Firms have to meet 2/3 of the following criteria to be considered CSRD eligible







The full ESRS reporting criteria

  • ESRS E1: Climate Change

    E1-1: Transition plan for climate change mitigation

    E1-2: Policies related to climate change mitigation and adaption

    E1-3: Actions and resources in relation to climate change policies

    E1-4: Targets related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

    E1-5: Energy consumption and mix

    E1-6: Gross Scopes 1, 2, 3 and Total GHG emissions

    E1-7: GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects financed through carbon credits

    E1-8: Internal carbon pricing

    E1-9: Anticipated financial effects from material physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities

    ESRS E2: Pollution

    E2-1: Policies related to pollution

    E2-2: Actions and resources related to pollution

    E2-3: Targets related to pollution

    E2-4: Pollution of air, water and soil

    E2-5: Substances of concern and substances of very high concern

    E2-6: Anticipated financial effects from pollution-related impacts, risks and opportunities

    ESRS E3: Water and Marine Resources

    E3-1: Policies related to water and marine resources

    E3-2: Actions and resources related to water and marine resources

    E3-3: Targets related to water and marine resources

    E3-4: Water consumption

    E3-5: Anticipated financial effects from water and marine resources-related impacts, risks and opportunities

    ESRS E4: Biodiversity and Ecosystems

    E4-1:Transition plan and consideration of biodiversity and ecosystems in strategy and business model

    E4-2: Policies related to biodiversity and ecosystems

    E4-3: Actions and resources related to biodiversity and ecosystems

    E4-4: Targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems

    E4-5: Impact metrics related to biodiversity and ecosystems change

    E4-6: Anticipated financial effects from biodiversity and ecosystem-related risks and opportunities


    ESRS 5: Climate Change

    E5-1:Policies related to resource use and circular economy

    E5-2: Actions and resources related to resource use and circular economy

    E5-3: Targets related to resource use and circular economy

    E5-4: Resource inflows

    E5-5: Resource outflows

    E5-6: Anticipated financial effects from resource use and circular economy-related impacts, risks and opportunities

  • ESRS S1: Own Workforce

    S1-1: Policies related to own workforce

    S1-2: Processes for engaging with own workers and workers’ representatives about impacts

    S1-3: Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workers to raise concerns

    S1-4: Taking action on material impacts on own workforce, and approaches to mitigating material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to own workforce, and effectiveness of those actions

    S1-5: Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

    S1-6: Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees

    S1-7: Characteristics of non-employee workers in the undertaking’s own workforce

    S1-8:Collective bargaining coverage and social dialogue

    S1-9: Diversity metrics

    S1-10: Adequate wages

    S1-11: Social protection

    S1-12: Persons with disabilities

    S1-13: Training and skills development metrics

    S1-14: Health and safety metrics

    S1-15: Work-life balance metrics

    S1-16: Compensation metrics (pay gap and total compensation)

    S1-17: Incidents, complaints and severe human rights impacts

    ESRS S2: Workers in the Value Chain

    S2-1: Policies related to value chain workers

    S2-2: Processes for engaging with value chain workers about impacts

    S2-3: Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for value chain workers to raise concerns

    S2-4: Taking action on material impacts on value chain workers, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to value chain workers, and effectiveness of those action

    S2-5: Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities


    ESRS S3: Affected Communities

    S3-1 Policies related to affected communities

    S3-2 Processes for engaging with affected communities about impacts

    S3-3 Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for affected communities to raise concerns

    S3-4 Taking action on material impacts on affected communities, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to affected communities, and effectiveness of those actions

    S3-5 Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

    ESRS S4: Consumers and End-Users

    S4-1 Policies related to consumers and end-users

    S4-2 Processes for engaging with consumers and end-users about impacts

    S4-3 Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for consumers and end-users to raise concerns

    S4-4 Taking action on material impacts on consumers and end-users, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to consumers and end-users, and effectiveness of those actions

    S4-5 Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positiveimpacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

  • ESRS G1: Business Conduct

    G1-1 Corporate culture and business conduct policies and corporate culture

    G1-2 Management of relationships with suppliers

    G1-3 Prevention and detection of corruption and bribery

    G1-4 Confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery

    G1-5 Political influence and lobbying activities

    G1-6 Payment practices

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